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Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010


Apa itu Baak Online?

Baak Online adalah biro yang menangani segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar-mengajar di Universitas Gunadarma dan administrasi akademik bagi seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma.

Fitur yg terdapat di Baak Gunadarma antar lain :
  • Home
home adalah tampilan halaman awal ketika anda membuka situs Baak Gunadarma.

  • Tentang Baak (profil, struktur, dan lokasi Baak)
 Profil yang terdapat di BAAK antara lain :

  • BAAK Fakultas (Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan, Teknologi Industri, Psikologi, dan Sastra);
  • Bagian Ujian Semester dan Bank Soal;
  • Bagian Koordinasi Perkuliahan
    • Sub Bagian Jadwal Kuliah;
    • Sub Bagian Koordinasi Mata Kuliah dan Penasihat Akademik;
    • Sub Bagian Penghubung dan Pendamping Dosen.
  • Bagian Monitoring Kuliah.
    • Sub Bagian Monitoring Kehadiran Dosen;
    • Sub Bagian Monitoring Kehadiran Mahasiswa.

  • FAQ
FAQ adalah layanan pertanyaan yg ada di Baak yg berisi : ujian susulan, tidak aktif kuliah, tentang Baak, tata tertib bagi peserta sidang Sarjana dan Diploma dsb.

 Situs SAP atau Satuan Acara Perkuliahan ialah yang berisi pembagian materi suatu mata kuliah tiap kali kuliah (setiap pertemuan). SAP berisi rincian materi kuliah setiap pertemuan kuliah dan berikut tujuan belajarnya serta buku-buku acuan untuk belajar. Yang dimaksud tujuan belajar ialah apa yang minimal dikuasai mahasiswa setelah mendapat materi perkuliahan.
Setiap mata kuliah memiliki Satuan Acara Pengajaran (SAP) yang merupakan penjabaran secara rinci rencana perkuliahan. SAP tersebut harus memuat unsur-unsur sebagai berikut :
  • Kode, nomor, dan nama mata kuliah.
  • Kedudukan mata kuliah (Mata Kuliah Umum (MKU), Mata Kuliah Dasar Keahlian (MKDK) dan Mata Kuliah Keahlian (MKK))
  • Semester dan tahun mata kuliah tersebut diajarkan.
  • Bobot kredit.
  • Tujuan mata kuliah.
  • Mata Kuliah prasyarat (bilamana perlu).
  • Nama pengajar.
  • Waktu dan tempat kuliah
  • Rincian acara perkuliahan dan bahan bacaan wajib dan anjuran.
  • Cara mengevaluasi proses belajar-mengajar.

Buku Pedoman berisi tentang pedoman-pedoman seperti :
-Pedoman penyusunan silabus
-Pedoman penyusunan SAP
-Pedoman proses belajar mengajar
-Pedoman PA&walikelas

Situs jurusan terdiri dari Ilmu komputer, Ekonomi, Tekhnik Industri, Psikolog, Sastra, Diploma, Tekhnik sipil dan perencanaan.
  • Kelebihan dari baak online :

    • dapat dengan mudah mengetahui jadwal perkuliahan dan kalender akademik bagi mahasiswa baru.
    • dapat dengan mudah pula mengakses dimana saja dan kapan saja tanpa perlu repot datang ke universitas yg bersangkutan untuk mengetahui informasi-informasi yg diberikan.
    • jika anda mengajukan pertanyaan yg berhubungan dgn kuliah, akan segera dijawab oleh tim BAAK melalui comment dan menyantukan alamat email masing-masing.

  • Kekurangan dari  baak online :
- terkadang saak kita membuka baak, dan mencari sesuatu sering tidak sesuai yg diharapkan atau dapat dikatakan mengalami masalah, seperti error dan lain sebagainya.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Analyzing Advertisement

Millennium Properties Apartment Advertisement


This is an apartment advertisement. It was published by Millennium Property Management. Millennium Property Management offers a lot of things in these apartments, such as broadband internet, walk-in closets, decks and patios, bright and airy layout, park-like setting and use of all clubhouse facilities. You’ll free to use basketball court, outdoor amphitheater, banquet/party rooms, aerobic/dance studio, racquetball court and tanning beds.
It is interesting advertisement. It is colorful and presentable so focuses reader’s eyes on the look and benefits of these apartments. It’s also giving reader enough information such as telephone number, website and visit hour if we want to buy apartment, but if we don’t, we will still look at it for a while because of its look.

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

34 Ways To Get More Effective Advertising

1. Your headline is 70% responsible for the success of your ad. You want it to promise the biggest benefit, make a news announcement, or ask a provocative question.   “Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days” is a benefit promise headline. It's good, and it will get interested people to read your sales copy [which is the job of your headline]. 
 "Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days The Easy Way" is better. [People want the easy way of doing everything - especially hard things].
 "Announcing A New Way To Easily Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days" is better still. You have combined benefit, ease, and news in your headline. Your headline is a winner.  
 Your headline must be great. Read Effective Copywriting for more.
 2. Write a few different headlines, and try them out. An improved headline could triple your advertising effectiveness, or more. Same ad - different headline - three times the response. [No kidding]. How do you get more effective advertising? You test different headlines, and measure the response.
 3. People act on emotions, not on logic. Your headline and your ad should aim to get an emotional response. Emotions are triggered by clear, powerful benefits. Give benefits, not features. Touch on human desires and needs, and offer the solution to the problem.
 4. People will justify their emotional decisions later. An ad is not the place for a logical argument or justification. The job of the ad is to get a response. This does not mean that you don't want to list factual information in your ads. You absolutely want to list facts that give benefits that create strong emotions. That is how it's done.

 5. Test Your ads. Create two different ads with two different offers. Key the ads so you know which ad the client saw, and see which offer works best. This is absolutely the best way to increase the effectiveness of your advertising. Keep testing until you find the offer that works the best. You will DOUBLE the effectiveness of your ads.
 6. Twice as many readers will look at a photo than read a headline. By using a graphic you are getting the attention of twice as many people. And a vertical photo attracts more attention than a horizontal one. Studies also show that the size of your photograph is important. When you double the size of a photo, you double the average amount of copy a person will read. That's how you get more effective advertising.
 7. Your photos must match your message. If there is no connection, people won’t get it, and they will not read your copy. If people can't look at your photo independent of your copy and know what business you're in, change your photo. And always use captions with your photos. Twice as many people will read the caption than the text copy.
 8. 60% of consumers believe ads that offer a money-back guarantee. 57% believe ads that carry an official third party endorsement. 46% of consumers believe claims based on survey results. That's how you get more effective advertising.
 9. Offer different deals every few weeks. One offer will out-pull the others. This will also help you to get different kinds of customers who respond to different offers.  
 10. Always write in the present tense, using the second person format. Use the word "you" as often as you can. "You will relax". "You will know".  Eliminate any references to yourself, and direct them all to the customer in the present tense, second person format [you, you, you, you...].
 11. Coupons get the highest response rate for advertising. Coupons in newspaper inserts get double the response than do coupons in regular newspaper ads [4.4% versus 2.3%]. Coupons contained inside a product get more than double the response than do the insert coupons [12% versus 4.4%]. If you can, use coupons.
 12. Offer a limited number of free consultations or special deals per month. “Only the first 50 people….” This gets people to respond now. Use a time limit in your ads for people to respond. Time limits work.  
 13. About 1/3 of readers will stop after reading the first 50 words. An additional 25% will stop reading after 200 words. Put the benefits up front, and keep them coming. Or to put it another way, get straight to the point. People will not wait.
 14. People believe testimonials. Use them if you can.
 15. Be careful when measuring the response to your ad. Many unpredictable things can go wrong or right that have nothing to do with your ad. Current events, the weather, and competitor actions can help or hurt you in the short run. You may get great placement and a great response, or the exact opposite. Just average it all out. Ask your customers where they saw your ad, and be persistent. Good luck or bad, it’s time and patience that will pay off with more effective advertising.
 16. Set goals and measure your progress. What is the response rate to your ad? Are inquiries becoming clients? What is your return on investment for your ad? Read What Your Print Ads Can Do for more.
 17. Are you getting repeat business? Find out why customers are, or are not, coming back.
 18. Are you attracting customers you don’t want? You may be making the wrong offer. Not every client is profitable or desirable. Effective advertising attracts the prospects you want, not the ones that waste your time.
 19. A half page advertisement will pull 70% of the business a full-page ad will. A quarter page ad will pull 50% of a full page. Is the cost difference worth it?
 20. Direct response advertising is effective advertising. Tell your customers to respond now. Tell them what to do and how to do it. Make it as simple as possible for them to respond to your ad immediately. [Offer credit, discounts, delivery, 800#, web information, directions, map, etc. etc. etc.]
 21. Understand how response devises work. [Coupons, phone #’s, return cards.] Read the Direct Mail Advertising chapter for more.
 22. Use the problem – solution format to create effective advertising. “Hungry? Try Our .99 Double Cheeseburger."
 23. Always ask questions that get a “yes, that’s me” reply.
 24. Buy a bigger ad. Effective advertising communication takes space. Don’t try to cram it all into a little box. The best advertisements need room to bloom.
 25. Your ad needs to work with the reader’s physical eye movements. The point of attraction for the eye, and the subsequent movement or natural reading progression needs to lead the reader toward the response device [like your phone number].
 26. For more effective advertising, better define who your customer is. Read Marketing Targeting Strategy  for more.
 27. Try different media. A small local newsletter may deliver big customers, and it’s very cheap. Newspaper inserts work, as does direct mail, and a hundred other kinds of media. Read Using Media More Effectively for more.
 28. Try different types of ads. A general ad will get you a higher response from lesser-qualified prospects. A specific ad will get fewer, but better-qualified prospects. Read Generating Better Qualified Prospects for more.
 29. Effective advertising connects your marketing together. Mention your newsletter in your e-mails, your e-mails in your ads, your ads in your brochures, your brochures on your calendars, your calendars on your business cards, etc. Connect them all as much as possible for more effective advertising.
 30. Generate more positive talk. Read Word of Mouth Advertising for ideas.
 31. Grab attention with your ads. Read The Elements of Advertising Design for more.
 32. Surprise your reader. Throw them a curve. Give them the desire to know more. Effective advertising leaves your reader a little curious.
 33. Understand the variety of promotional venues you can work with. You can use discount coupons, free premiums, loss-leader premiums, bundled products or services, rebates, sampling, contests, and/or sweepstakes to bring customers in. You can offer credit terms and easy payments. You can offer a 30 day no questions asked return policy. You can promise to beat any advertised price in the market. You can guarantee quality, freshness, turn-around time, or anything else that will make your offer more attractive to consumers. 
 34. Know your customers. Know what they need and want. Find out what is most important to them, and promise the solution in your ads. 

Source: http://www.myprofessionaladvertising.com/More%20Effective%20Advertising.htm